The Roxana Merrill Moonstone Scholarship for Early Child Development

The Roxana Merrill Moonstone Scholarship for Early Child Development

Roxana Merrill, who was born and raised in Bakersfield, CA., was a young woman who was divorced and left to raise 2 young boys with no job and no job prospects. Instead of going into full out panic mode, after settling herself down Roxana decided she wanted to not only get a job, but get a career. Something that she knew would not only allow her to provide for her family, but also put her in a position to make a difference in people’s lives. Roxana loved kids so it only made sense that Roxana enroll in college and began her major in Early Childhood Development. At the same time that Roxana was taking college courses she was working full-time jobs at day care centers, moving up the supervisory ladder with each position she applied for. Not an easy feat while raising two young children of her own. This Lady understood that if you want a child to grow to be responsible for themselves when they got older that you don’t use the traditional ways of teaching right and wrong. She wouldn’t hover over her students and lay down the law harshly. Now don’t get me wrong. Roxana knew how and when to lay down discipline, but it was always deserved and explained to the child what was wrong and the child would almost always respond back with why what they had done was wrong. Roxana knew to get through to any kid you’ve got to do so on their physical level and on their level of understanding. She was truly, to borrow a phrase, a Child Whisperer.


Roxana earned her degree from Bakersfield College in 2007 and after working child care and day care positions for churches and city programs, Roxana interviewed for and was selected as the Day Care Director for the Beardsley School District’s first ever After School Day Care program at San Lauren Elementary School. Roxana used the education that she received while earning her degree in Child Development and Family Relations and her knowledge and experience with children as the baseline for starting a day care program from the ground up. The district had nothing like it. Roxana was a true pioneer here and, 12 years later, Roxana’s day care program is still active and going strong. This was Roxana’s ultimate accomplishment after raising two fine, young gentlemen. You know you’ve built something amazing when students who were in your class in their elementary years come back at the end of their high school years just to see how you’re doing. Look around to your schools and their teachers and programs – how many can say that years after their students left them, they came back to say hi. That, dear people, is the result of making love of kids your priority during your time with them. After Roxana fell ill with Multiple Myeloma, she continued to work until the COVID-19 lock downs took effect. And even then, she was still getting visits, only now electronically. Emails would come in with pictures, with notes of concern. This is the result of what 12 years of love, attention, and understanding, as well as 12 years of making friends with the student’s parents, will get you. Roxana will always be a blessing to her family and friends, her students and their families. And Roxana’s memory will live forever in the hearts of all whose lives she not only touched, but shared in.
Family and dedication to family – THAT was the happiness that Roxana preached at home as well as to her students – her “chickees”, as she loved to call them. It is Roxana’s family’s hope that the fortunate students who are chosen to receive The Roxana Merrill Moonstone Scholarship for Child Development understand the importance of their roles in the lives of the “chickees” that they get the honor and privilege of caring for and teaching.