Children of Warriors National Presidents' Scholarship

Candidates for this award shall be daughters, sons, grandsons, granddaughters, great-granddaughters, great-grandsons of veterans who served in the Armed Forces during eligibility dates for membership in The American Legion, listed below.

1) April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918

2) Any time after December 7, 1941

It is important to acknowledge the sacrifices of our servicemembers who preserve our freedom, but that is not enough. The sacrifices of the children of those who served should also be honored. Providing funds to assist these children so they can pursue higher education is a concrete way of showing how much we, as a nation, care.

The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors the Children of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship to support the children of our warriors. These scholarships are awarded to 15 students annually who excel in academics and volunteer in their communities.

Bakersfield, Cerrocoso, Financial Need (BC), Porterville