Greater Bakersfield New Car Dealers Association Scholarship (Incoming & Returning)

The Greater Bakersfield New Car Dealers Association Scholarship (Incoming Freshman & Returning) is awarded to Kern County High School District graduates. Incoming freshman need to have obtained a minimum 2.0 GPA in high school. Returning applicants must have maintained a 2.5 GPA to renew their scholarship with the association. There is a preference for children and employees of any of the Greater Bakersfield New Car Dealers Association members. Recommendations are required as well as a high school transcript (for incoming freshman).

Additional Essay Required: Yes
Eligible for Transfer: No
Financial Need Required: No/preferred
Selected By: Donor Committee

Supplemental Questions
  1. Is either of your parents a full-time employee for a dealership that is a member of the Greater Bakersfield New Car Dealers Association?
  2. If yes, list name of parent & dealership. (if not, type N/A)
  3. Do you plan on enrolling in the Automotive Technology Program?
  4. Are either of your parents employed as a first responder?
  5. If yes, where are they employed? (if not, type N/A)
  6. Upload a copy of your unofficial high school transcripts (REQUIRED FOR INCOMING FRESHMAN ONLY).
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