Live Bearded Scholarship

To apply for the Live Bearded Scholarship, you must record at minimum, a 90 second video telling us a little about you, the school you’re attending, your major, and why you deserve the Live Bearded Scholarship more than any of the other students applying for it.

In order to be considered, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be enrolled in a College or University at the time of the next deadline.
  • For applicants under the age of 18, you must have permission from a parent or a legal guardian.
  • Must apply to the scholarship via the link provided. You must provide your full name, .edu email, target graduation year and the name of your academic institution.
  • Our $2,500 scholarship can be used for any education-related expense, including: tuition, textbooks, course material and any other education-related expense that you may come across.
